EMPIRE FIRST: Churchill’s War Against D-Day
February 18 @ 7:15 pm - 9:00 pm
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Why did Churchill oppose Overlord? Why did he want to send Allied troops into easily defended, mountainous regions – Italy, Greece, the Balkans – instead of Normandy? Did he fear Hitler’s Army? Did he dread a re-run of 1914-18? Or did he prioritise British Oil and Empire interests over the task of liberating Europe from fascism? Did the ‘Greatest Ever Briton’ favour a ‘Brexit’ military strategy which would have gifted western Europe to Stalin? Join us as author Graeme Bowman takes us through the key points of his book ‘Empire First’, which attempts to re-write WWII history and the reputation of Britain’s iconic Prime Minister.
About the speaker:
Graeme Bowman was born in 1961 in Greenock, Scotland. His Dad worked in a sugar refinery while his Mum raised the family. Following a brief naval career, Graeme spent a decade in academia, culminating in a Doctorate from King’s College, Cambridge. Graeme’s thesis analysed Black Studies in Californian Public Higher Education, 1963-74 but the Degree Committee refused to accept it under its original title (‘Up Against The Wall, Motherf***er’) so Graeme submitted his work under a spectacularly boring title in protest. Underwhelmed by Oxbridge, Graeme spent a decade in broadcast/interactive media where his colleagues’ delusional narcissism inspired his subsequent career in mental health. Graeme’s passion for writing, history, truth-telling and iconoclasm illuminates Empire First.
This event is free to attend, although we will be asking for donations at the end of the talk. Participants are under no obligation whatsoever to donate, however please rest assured that the money we collect doesn’t end up in anyone’s pocket – it is used to fund our overhead costs, and travel/accommodation for our speakers who come from further afield.
Accessibility: The Admiral Woods Bar now has a functioning lift which can take wheelchair users (or others who are unable to manage stairs) down to the function room. There is also a disabled toilet in the function room too. To help us accommodate you if you require to use these facilities we recommend you email us in advance: contact@glasgowskeptics.com